
Workshop Held to Follow Up Plan for Management of Musandam Natural Park
Workshop Held to Follow Up Plan for Management of Musandam Natural Park

Workshop Held to Follow up Plan for Management of Musandam Natural Park

Khasab, 6 Sep (ONA) --- The Environment Authority today organized a workshop to follow up the implementation of the management plan for the National Natural Park’s reserve in Musandam Governorate.

The workshop was held under the auspices of Sayyid Ibrahim Said Al Busaidi, Governor of Musandam.

The participants discussed the outcome of field surveys, which included a marine mammal survey, a coral reef ecosystem survey and surveys related to vegetation and wild trees in the reserve.

Dr. Abdullah Ali Al Amri, Chairman of the Environment Authority, said that the workshop constituted a second review of the park’s management plan, following a decision to this effect in March 2023. He added that various departments began implementing the programmes and projects of the plan in their respective fields of management.

Participants in the workshop took note of the projects that will be implemented successively during upcoming years, either by the Environment Authority, other departments concerned or by the local community, which is an authentic partner in environment conservation action.

The workshop saw the participation of Musandam Governor’s Office, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources, the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism and the Musandam municipalities.

The National Natural Park reserve in the Governorate of Musandam was announced under Royal Decree No. 54/2022. The reserve embodies the governorate’s rich geographical and ecological diversity. It boasts a natural environment and elements that qualify it to attract tourists from different countries of the world.

--- Ends/Bishara/Khalid