6th Al Bashayer Camel Festival Kicks off in Adam
Adam, 13 Feb (ONA) --- Competitions of the 6th Al Bashayer Camel Festival kicked off in the Wilayat of Adam in the Governorate of Al Dakhiliyah.
The 6-day event is organized annually by the Department of Al Bashayer Square for Arabian Camels.
A large number of camel owners and slimmers from various governorates of the Sultanate of Oman and the GCC states are taking part in the festival. As many as 74 rounds are organized during the festival where competitors contest for 20 vehicles and many other prizes allocated for these camel races.
Today witnessed 25 rounds for 150 different categories of camels. These races were held during the morning and afternoon times.
At the end of today’s races, Sheikh Dr. Faisal Ali Al Zeidi, Wali of Manah honoured winners of top places during the rounds.
Tomorrow (Tuesday), competitions of the festival will continue by organizing 20 rounds for different categories of camels.
--- Ends/Khalid