
Eight Usufruct Agreements Worth RO 1.93 Million Inked in A’Dakhiliyah
Eight Usufruct Agreements Worth RO 1.93 Million Inked in A’Dakhiliyah

Eight Usufruct Agreements Worth RO 1.93 Million Inked in A’Dakhiliyah

Nizwa, 11 May (ONA) --- The Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning today signed 8 usufructs to the tune of RO 1.930 million in the Governorate of A’Dahiliyah in the fields of industry, housing, commerce and agriculture.

The usufructs were signed on behalf of the Ministry by Dr. Mohammed Ali Al Mutawa, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning for Urban Planning. Present at the signing ceremony were Dr. Khalfan Said Al Shuwaili, Minister of Housing and Urban Planning and Sheikh Hilal Said Al Hajri, Governor of A’Dakhiliyah.

To break down the figures, six usufructs were signed in the industrial sector in the Wilayats of Nizwa and Samayil to the tune of RO 1.7 million.

Moreover, two agreements were inked in the commercial housing sector in the Wilayats of Nizwa and Samayil worth over RO 200,000.

Meanwhile, members of the Municipal Council of the Governorate of A’Dakhiliyah met with the Minister of Housing, the Governor of A’Dakhiliyah and several officials from the ministry.

This meeting highlighted the integrated residential neighborhood projects “Sorouh”. It also reviewed the locations where the project will be implemented in the Governorate of A’Dakhiliyah.

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