
Visual, Promotional Identity of A’Dakhiliyah Governorate Launched
Visual, Promotional Identity of A’Dakhiliyah Governorate Launched

Visual, Promotional Identity of A’Dakhiliyah Governorate Launched

Manah, 16 Dec (ONA) --- The Governorate of A’Dakhiliyah today launched its promotional visual identity named "A’Dakhiliyah, Sincerity Oman". The event sought to develop a visual identity that embodies the governorate's vision, mission, goals and future approaches, in line with Oman Vision 2040. The vision aims to integrate cultural heritage into economic diversification efforts.

The governorate also seeks to utilize its rich heritage and historical landmarks to enhance the tourism sector, which highlights the governorate’s role as a major destination for Omani authenticity.

The visual identity reflects the way historical and cultural values​​ shape the identity of Omani society.

The inaugural ceremony was held at Oman Across the Ages Museum under the auspices of Sheikh Ghuson Hilal Al Alawi, Chairman of the State Audit Institution (SAI).

--- Ends/Bishara/AH