Oman Human Rights Commission Deals With 523 Issues During 2023
Muscat, 19 May (ONA) --- Oman Human Rights Commission (OHRC) handled 523 issues and reports during 2023. The commission helped settle and resolve the issues in coordination with the departments concerned. It offered legal opinion to the parties that reported the issues and advised them to follow up with the relevant authorities.
The OHRC received 65 reports pertaining to civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, in addition to reports on environmental and development affairs.
From the point of view of human rights, the commission offered opinion to citizens and residents on a total of 458 reports, and advised them how to get the issues resolved in coordination with other departments.
It also made field visits to the Central Prison and detention centres where it checked the conditions of inmates and detainees and studied their workplaces.
The OHRC valued the recent Royal orders issued in 2023 granting pardon to 864 inmates, both citizens and expatriates, noting that the Royal orders had a positive impact on the social life of the discharged inmates and their families.
The OHRC also took note of reports issued by international governmental and non-governmental bodies on the human rights situation in the Sultanate of Oman. It received fact-finding questionnaires from United Nations special rapporteurs and coordinated with parties concerned on measures to verify the reports and respond to them.
The committee is drafting an annual report on the efforts and activities it is undertaking, the issues it has resolved and the specialties entrusted to it within the context of its mandate to protect and promote human rights in the Sultanate of Oman.
--- Ends/Bishara/Anas