FDO Celebrates Inauguration of Al Khuwaima Shrimp Farm
Muscat, 7 Dec (ONA) --- Fisheries Development Oman (FDO) celebrated today the inauguration of Al Khuwaima Shrimp Farm in the Wilayat of Jalan Bani bu Ali, the Governorate of South Al Sharqiyah, to the tune of RO 16 million.
The inauguration ceremony was held under the auspices of Dr. Saud Hamoud Al Habsi, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources.
Al Habsi said that the project will boost the Sultanate of Oman’s production in the field of fish farming and it will generate job opportunities in the Governorate of South Al Sharqiyah.
The farm is projected to yield an annual production of 3,700 tons in 2024 with the possibility of the production increasing to 4,000 tons. The project began producing since March 2023, and has produced a total of 500 tons.
Moreover, the comprehensive infrastructure of Al Khuwaima Shrimp Farm includes a hatchery, post-larval production unit, nursery unit, 126 grow-out ponds, pre-processing and packing facilities, administrative offices, warehouses, a laboratory, maintenance workshops, and accommodations for employees.
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