
NCSI Bags an Award in Digital Transformation Field
NCSI Bags an Award in Digital Transformation Field

NCSI Bags an Award in Digital Transformation Field

Kuwait, 6 May (ONA) --- The National Centre for Statistics and Information (NCSI)won the “Sheikh Salem Al Ali Al Sabah Informatics Award” in its 23rd edition. The NCSI won in the category of “Digital Transformation in Sustainable Development” for its electronic consensus of population, housing and establishments in 2020.

The award was handed over to Dr. Khalifa Abdullah Al Barwani, CEO of the NCSI at Bayan Palace, Kuwait.

Al Barwani emphasized that winning the award comes as an appreciation for NCSI efforts in the field of digital transformation in statistical, informative tasks, digitizing data, boosting knowledge and supporting decision-making in line with Oman Vision 2040.

He added that the 2020 e-Census created a renewed information system linking various government entities. This enabled the NCSI to implement a census of population, housing, and establishments in the years 2021, 2022, and 2023, with minimal human effort, financial cost, and in a period not exceeding seven working days.

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