
Intaj Suhar Signs Key Partnerships for Moulds Manufacturing
Intaj Suhar Signs Key Partnerships for Moulds Manufacturing

Intaj Suhar Signs Key Partnerships for Moulds Manufacturing

Sohar, 12 May (ONA) --- Aligned with the efforts of the Public Establishment for Industrial Estates “Madayn” to support local industries and maximise local value addition, Intaj Suhar – affiliated to the Industrial Innovation Academy – signed cooperation agreements with Muna Noor Plastic Industries, Areej Vegetable Oils and Derivatives, Techno Plastic Industry, and National Aluminum Products Company.

The agreements aim at enhancing cooperation between Intaj Suhar and the companies in the fields of mould manufacturing, precision components manufacturing and reverse engineering.

Commenting on the signed agreements, Eng. Majid Al Hinai, General Manager of Intaj Suhar for Advanced Manufacturing, stated, “The agreements are poised to play a key role in enabling and supporting the local factories and companies in manufacturing cost effective moulds for production processes, thereby reducing production costs incurred by importing such moulds from overseas markets.”

The company currently comprises three main units, namely, Plastic Technology and Moulds Manufacturing Centre, Advanced Manufacturing Centre, and a unit for reverse engineering and machinery. The objectives of Intaj Suhar include developing technological skills and capabilities; prototyping, product and tools designing and manufacturing; advanced training and HR development; enhancing ICV and promoting economic diversification; fostering job creation; and providing opportunities for the SMEs in the industrial sector.

--- Ends/Khalid