Commerce Ministry Signs Agreement to Relocate, Host Oman Business Platform
Muscat, 29 May (ONA) --- On the sidelines of COMEX 2024, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion today signed an agreement with ITHCA Group to relocate and host Oman Business Platform (OBP) in the cloud service.
The move seeks to establish a competitive business environment and provide integrated services to operate alongside the smart government scheme.
The agreement was signed by Dr. Saleh Said Masan, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion for Commerce and Industry, and Eng. Said Abdullah Al Mantheri, ITHCA Group.
The Ministry also signed an agreement with ITHCA Group to conduct a consultative study on the business environment in Oman and draw out a roadmap for digital transition at the Directorate General of Standards and Metrology.
OBP constitutes an outstanding government model in utilizing prominent international practices and standards to develop a digitally innovative business environment that motivates users through a set of electronic services.
The services offered via OBP continue right from the inception of a company until the licensing of its activities.
Through the OBP, the Ministry seeks to direct investors to one platform and provide options of self-service to start any business.
The Ministry also a “Certificate of Origin Service” and a “New License Request Service” through the OBP application for smart phones. The app supports the “Know Your Customer” feature and offers top-rated services like starting a business, initiating a commercial register, searching for commercial registers, an investment guide and options to follow up the progress of applications.
--- Ends/Bishara/Khalid