
Workshop Discusses Survey on Private Sector’s Labour Market Needs
Workshop Discusses Survey on Private Sector’s Labour Market Needs

Workshop Discusses Survey on Private Sector’s Labour Market Needs

Muscat, January 23 (ONA) --- The Ministry of Labour today organized a workshop on surveying labour market needs of private sector establishments. The workshop was aimed to determine the labour market needs in terms of jobs, skills and other future requirements.

The survey also aims to align education outcomes with labour market needs and to identify future job specializations within the context of the 4th and 5th Industrial Revolutions.

The opening ceremony was held under the auspices of Dr.Mahad Said Ba'owain, Minister of Labour.

Conducted by the Ministry of Labour, the survey was the first of its kind in the Sultanate of Oman. It was supervised by the National Centre for Statistics and Information (NCSI), with the assistance of experts from the International Labour Organization (ILO).

This survey came out with many recommendations, with special emphasis on main pillars of the national economy, education and the labour market.

The survey focused on high added-value industries in all economic sectors (considering the comparative advantages of the Sultanate of Oman). It also explored measures to upgrade value chains in current economic sectors, like mining, with the prime aim of establishing a more vibrant, more diversified labour market that accommodates different skills and specializations.

--- Ends/Bishara/AG