
Glass of Milk A Day Cuts Bowel Cancer Risk: Study
Glass of Milk A Day Cuts Bowel Cancer Risk: Study

Glass of Milk A Day Cuts Bowel Cancer Risk: Study

London, 8 Jan (ONA) --- A large study from the United Kingdom (UK) has found further evidence that people with more calcium in their diet - equivalent to a glass of milk a day - can help reduce their risk of bowel cancer.

The researchers analysed the diets of more than half a million women over 16 years and found dark leafy greens, bread and non-dairy milks containing calcium also had a protective effect.

A recent study from Oxford University and Cancer Research UK highlights the role of diet in reducing the risk of bowel cancer. It found that dairy products, likely due to their calcium content, may help lower this risk.

An additional 300mg of calcium per day, such as through a large glass of milk, can reduce the risk by 17%. Other beneficial foods include breakfast cereals, fruits, whole grains, and fibre, though their effects are more modest.

Calcium, which is abundant in dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese, also exists in non-dairy sources like soya drinks, seeds, dried figs, and leafy greens. It may protect against cancer by binding to bile acids in the colon, reducing their carcinogenic effects.
